VAYU Cape Compatibility
From Yantrr Wiki
Yantrr provides this information on the basis of best effort analysis of published specifications of other capes and does not guarantee the compatibility.
Board | 2G (Dual/Quad) | 2G+GPS | 3G(GSM/CDMA) | 3G+GPS | GPS Only |
TT3201 | UART1_RXD and UART1_TXD conflicts |
UART1_RXD and UART1_TXD conflicts |
Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
CAN Bus | UART1_RXD and UART1_TXD conflicts |
UART1_RXD and UART1_TXD conflicts |
Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
RS232 | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
RS485 | GPIO1_16 conflicts | GPIO1_16 and EHRPWM1B conflicts |
Compatible | EHRPWM1B conflicts | EHRPWM1B conflicts |
Weather Cape | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible | Compatible |
Profibus | Uart1(rxd,txd) conflicts |
Uart1(rxd, txd) and Uart4(rxd,txd)conflicts |
Compatible | Uart4(rxd,txd) conflicts |
Uart4(rxd,txd) conflicts |
Inertial Navigation System | UART1_TXD, UART1_RXD and < br\> GPIO1_28 conflicts | UART1_TXD, UART1_RXD and < br\> GPIO1_28 conflicts | GPIO1_28 conflicts | GPIO1_28 conflicts | Compatible |
Notes 1. UART1_TXD and UART1_RXD used in full duplex and half duplex mode for 2G module 2. GPIO1_16 is used as UART1_DTRN when used in Full Duplex mode 3. EHRPWM1B is used for GPS Module Reset 4. UART$_TXD and UART4_RXD is used for GPS Module 5. GPIO1_28 is used for resetting 2G or 3G modules
We are considering a redesign of our 2G/2G+GPS cape series to make it compatible with other sensor capes. But, all depends on the volumes. If you need some other cape working with VAYU series capes, write to us at [1].